A Change of Heart – Developing McGinley Square


by Garvey Potter, Matthew Holowienka, and Tatiana Ferraro

The “Heart of Jersey City,” McGinley Square, will house a 20-story construction called Saint Peter’s Tower by late 2016 due to a joint venture between Saint Peter’s University and the Maryland-based Sora Development, according to a January press release published on the university website. Saint Peter’s will provide the property for this undertaking and will hold an equity stake in the development.

Standing on the site of the Armory Parking Lot, the $210 million building will contain 300 student beds, 430 market rate apartments, a movie theater, an underground parking garage, a bank, penthouse restaurants, various retailers, and an indoor swimming pool for renters.

With the completion of the Mac Mahon Student Center and the upgrades to the School of Business and the School of Education slated for completion this month, the project at McGinley Square marks the latest in Saint Peter’s expansion into the surrounding Jersey City area.

From local merchants, to McGinley Square residents, to Saint Peter’s students, to social scientists and the Mayor of Jersey City himself, opinions on the upcoming development remain diverse and multifaceted, and arguments both for and against the project abound. To explore the various sides to this developing story click the links below.

And how do you feel about the redevelopment of McGinley Square? Keep the discussion going in the comments.

Click on an image to explore this story in depth. 



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